Friday, March 31, 2017

"Menyintaimu, Membimbingmu Ke Jannah.." Ini Ucapan Khas Nedim Nazri Buat Isteri Tercinta, Nora Danish

Ini Ucapan Nedim Buat Isteri Tercinta, Nora Danish

Pengantin lelaki, Nedim Nazri telah membuat ucapan khas buat isterinya pelakon popular tanah air, Nora Danish.

Nedim berjanjin akan menajdi suami bertanggungjawab kepada Nora dan menyintainya serta membimbing Nora ke Jannah.

Jom baca ucapannya:

Today is starting of a new beginning for you and me, I have never choked when saying things, but I did last night , because I saw a dream of mine coming true & I couldn't hold my tears back, the tears of joy that I had,

I have always said Allah is the best planner and it's up to him to allow 2 hearts to meet and become one ❤️ 

Dengan izin Allah Yang maha esa dan maha mengetahui, Allah made it happen for us last night , with this anugerah today, to my wife Nora Danish, I promise a responsible husband to you, the man of you dreams, 

I promise to love you unconditionally, I promise to make you happy and most importantly with Allah's blessings InsyaAllah I will be able to guide you and take you to Jannah with me ❤️ 

#syukuralhamdulillah #NNisteriKuCintaHatiKu #NeNoSaysIdo #NeNo

Semoga berbahagia melayari bahtera rumahtangga kepada Nora dan Nedim. Sememangnya pasangan yang amat secocok.

Sumber :Berita Memey

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